Defectoscopical materials for the penetrant testing


Consumables for penetrant testing are presents products of German company Helling.
The choice of these products related with its quality confirmed by the conclusion of ЦНИИКМ «Прометей» , whereby the Helling  penetration materials higher than that analog in Russian market.

Main advantages:
• Positive responses from NDT specialists;
• Compliance to Russian and international quality standards;
• Efficiency, non-toxicity, ease of use.

Since 2011 the STC "Expert" is the official representative of Helling GMBH.

Aerosol cans Nord-Test series

NORD-TEST - penetrant system for detecting defects of the external surface up to - 0.25 microns width.

Consumables of NORD-TEST series have the conclusion of Russian  materials organizations for the possibility to use in I - III class sensitivity control.

Conclusion "Expert-Center" ОАО НИКИМТ-АТОМСТРОЙ
Conclusion ФГУП ЦНИИ КМ «Прометей»

GOST sensitivity class Crack dimensions, mm
Length Width
I Not less than  3 менее 0,001
II не менее 3 0,001 - 0,01
III не менее 3 0,01

Cleaner U87

U87 cleaner  is volatile, alcohol-based cleaner, complete with a penetrant Rot 3000, U89 developer it can be used for  the I-III class control.

Очиститель U87

Color penetrant Rot 3000

According to ПРФЭ Г-7-018-89 this penetrant can be used for I-III class control. Rot 3000 doesn’t contain dyes AZO, also can be used with ultraviolet light.

Цветной пенетрант Rot 3000

Color penetrant U88

U88 penetrant is environmentally safe, well-rinsed with water, has a slight odor and can be used to control for II -III class control.

Цветной пенетрант  U88

Developer U89

Developer U89 is environmentally friendl, white powder in an alcohol-based. In set with the cleaner and penetrant Rot U87 3000, U89 developer can be applied for the I-III class control.

Проявитель U89


    * Spray - 500 ml
    * Steel container - 1 liter
    * Canister - 10 liters
    * Barrel - 200 liters
    * Category temperature range - from -5 ° C to + 50 ° C., shelf life 5 years